Friday, December 2, 2011

Permafrost Loss Greater Threat Than Deforestation

As the globe continues to warm, eventually the Northwest Passage will be a viable route for less ice-hardy vessels more times out of the year, providing economic benefit for those who could utilize the shipping routes. I imagine there are lobbies that would love to see this happen. This is speculation, for I do now know if people actively encourage warming. Looking at the CO2 data and its positive correlation to the mean global temperature increase, it seems we may see that route in our lifetime.

Also as the permafrost disappears, another side affect is a cascading result in the loss of surface ice/snow pack. As the surface area of the snow/ice/arctic shelf shrinks, the Earth's regional albedo will be reduced, ie there will be less radiational cooling and more energy absorbed by the surface. Cycles such as this create feedback loops in the environment that cause these affects to amplify. Lower albedo -> less permafrost/snow/ice/glacier coverage -> more heat -> lower albedo -> ad inifinitum.

I am not a meteorologist, but based on some cursory research these seem to be realistic eventualities.


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