Monday, August 1, 2011

Giving Light On Understanding Nearsightedness | Articles Advanced

In the medical word, nearsightedness is called myopia. Now, it is the most common eye problem around the globe. It makes people see objects clearly only when they are near. The typical symptom is blurry vision. Understanding Nearsightedness allows one to do preventive measures against legal blindness.

This condition is easily the most neglected world health issue. It has slipped and soared seventh in rank on causes for blindness, reaching as far as the fourth in countries like Singapore and Hong Kong. With long line of ineffective treatment through the years, it has become one of the leading middle year crises.

It has even become endemic with little children becoming its victims. Over one third of children born with normal vision develop myopia during the school age. Many of these children?s vision deteriorate further to legal blindness. Highly literate Asian population has growing incidence of this disease, with about 90% college students affected.

It is paradoxical that this treatable condition has risen like a widespread epidemic. Treatment is focused on correcting either of the two things that may have occurred in the eyes of the patient, an over-curvature of cornea or the elongation of the eyeball. In these two instances, when light enters the affected eye, it fails to reach the retina.

Vision test is the most important and yet simplest form of exam to check the vision early on. It uses a standardized reading chart where the patient reads letters twenty feet away. It measures the distance the patient can read the letters with ease. For instance, when the patient reads at 20 feet what normally can be read clearly at a distance of 80 feet, his vision is 20/80.

The treatment is generally prescription glasses. This glasses aims to focus light on the retina eliminating the blurry vision. These glasses may cause dependence and even helps in the myopia progression causing the need for higher grade prescription glasses. One way to eliminate this dependence is through refractive surgery.

The most popular prescriptions for myopia are laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis photorefractive keratectomy, and corneal ring implants. A surgical procedure called photorefractive keratectomy or PRK uses a laser to remove some corneal tissues to reshape it. Its aim is to correct the corneal curvature.

Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis is popularly known as Lasik. This is a laser that is used to cut a flap on top of the cornea. After removing some corneal tissues underneath the flap, this same flap is re-placed. Today, this is the most common prescribed surgery for myopia.

Plastic corneal rings or sometimes called Intacs is a treatment option that does not require any corneal removal. Instead of surgery, this implant is placed under the edge of the cornea reshaping its curvature to correct mild myopia. Rings can be replaced or removed with simple and safe procedure.

Understanding nearsightedness gives the confidence one needs to take the step for improvement. It can also help prevent further damage to the vision. Myopia can be prevented as much as it can be cured.

For access to a wide selection of eyeglasses and contact lenses, you should shop online at the premiere online retailer for eye care. You will find the right pair of acuvue contacts for every individual?s tastes and needs.


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